Friday, February 8, 2008

Collaborating with publishing experts

Oftentimes, the task of compiling an organizational history falls on an employee or volunteer. The reasoning: who better than an insider to explain the intricate workings of his or her company? But the opportunity cost of assigning corporate history to a novice who is not trained in the genre can be great.

An experienced publisher of history products will listen to and relies on its client’s expertise and collaborates with in-house experts to effectively communicate stories. Writers of corporate or personal history also understand modern readers, including how to meld narrative, typography, photography and page design to capture readers’ attention in order to communicate its client’s goals.

Confidentiality is always a client concern when bringing in an "outsider" to conduct research into a company’s or family's past. Histories in the Making guarantees that all research findings and interview transcripts will be held confidential; furthermore, its employees and contractors always conduct themselves with courtesy and professionalism as they interact with client representatives (current or retired), community leaders, industry professionals and others.

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